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Thread: Lost Season 4

  1. #261
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Well Mad, there was obviously something going on with that as the Island was masked, and could be detected, but not visibly seen from the outside world and the fact Desmond couldn't leave on the boat back in the Season 2 finale.

    I think it was kind of lame to do the time travel that way again. I thought it was cooler to have that only happen when Des turned the key. Also, it was kind of cool with his ability to see the future.

    I thought it was a good episode. I think the next two before the hiatus are going to be excellent.

  2. #262
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    Last night's episode focused primarily around Juliette. It was revealing to find out she was having an affair with the husband of the island psychologist.

    What was especially eerie was to find out that Juliette was the obsessive object of Ben's desire. When he came out and told her "You're mine!" that must have sent a chill to every female viewer in the country! How would you like to learn that a manipulative psychopathic mind like Ben considered you his personal property? Brrr!

  3. #263
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    I was a bit board with this episode. Juliette is gonna be the down fall to the Island bunch.

  4. #264
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz
    First, I disagree with Mad, this was a fantastic episode that shed a bit of light on the issues with the Island, time displacement of some sort. Time is not moving correctly on the Island. Most of this has been figured out or guessed at by fellow members of this forum.

    I loved the anchor with Penny and Desmond. It is a story line that is as overlooked as the character of Desmond is, he is not Jack, Kate, or Sawyer so some pass over his importance to the show.

    Anyways I liked the episode.

    I could go into all the theories on time travel or whatever you want to refer to as, but I don't fully understand the complexities of it on the show.
    The fact Partial agrees with you should be the first sign you might be wrong. Dont get me wrong I thought it was a good epi as far as how it was done but the storyline going in the direction of time travel is what I dont like. IN the begining of the show the creators said everything would be explainable in a realistc way. While the black smoke kinda threw a wrench in those plans right away the time travel stuff is taking it too far IMO.
    I think Polar Bears on a tropical Island and a black mist that kills people is a little unrealistic but it keeps my attention, although the point you bring up about Partial is a crushing blow on my thought process on "LOST".

  5. #265
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I do think he is lying about Chuck Widmore's intentions, though. My guess is he is coming to kill Ben, not to commercialize the island.
    The island is a veritable Garden of Eden and possibly a Fountain of Youth rolled into one. Of course he could commercalize it.

    Many people survived a horrific airline crash. Locke could walk on legs that didn't work, now has become hard to kill. A woman with cancer is cured of cancer. An infertle couple conceived a child. At least one person, Roger Alpert, seems to have not aged in his time on the island, time appears to move faster outisde of the island's bubble of life. Food is still apparently dropped every now and then. People cannot find island easily, even harder to actually land there. Possible wormholes for instant global travel. A chittering smoke cloud that appears to keep evil people in line. Island life seems pretty relaxed, weather has yet to be treacherous in over 3 months time. Many of the survivors have been given a second chance on the island whereas their outside lives weren't all that great, coincedence? All in all, not a bad place to live, just can't make any babies (and if the island does in fact allow you to be cured of all ailments and then live without aging normally, seems a fair price to pay).

    Sorry man, all of that seems pretty marketable to me. It is a pretty good explanation for why Ben is wanting to keep it quiet and all to himself, and exactly why he would want to figure out how to make reproduction work on the island, to make the place Heaven on Earth. Talk about the ultimate get away..

    The first mate's diary from the Black Rock is going to hold some or possibly all of the secrets to the island that drove Widmore to find the place. Just like it allowed Hasno to find the place and establish Dharma there a generation earlier (to do many tests on the island's makup, no less). Hanso's distant relative was the original Captain of the Black Rock, his ship is still landlocked there since around 1845. That diary allowed his descendants to find the island, and now it's led Widmore there.

  6. #266
    Senior Rat HOFer LL2's Avatar
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    How would Faraday and Charlotte (is that her name) know that Ben planned on killing people on the Island so they had to stop that nuclear reactor thing. Was Ben going to kill everyone and start things all over again?

    I'm curious to know who on the boat is Ben's inside contact. Could it be Walt's dad? It has to be someone left the show in the first two season's.

    Ben walked because Locke honored their agreement. Locke wants to keep the island protected as much as Ben does. It's the enemy of my enemy is my ally thought process that has those two working together at times.

  7. #267
    Shutdown Rat All-Pro Charles Woodson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    How would Faraday and Charlotte (is that her name) know that Ben planned on killing people on the Island so they had to stop that nuclear reactor thing. Was Ben going to kill everyone and start things all over again?

    I'm curious to know who on the boat is Ben's inside contact. Could it be Walt's dad? It has to be someone left the show in the first two season's.

    Ben walked because Locke honored their agreement. Locke wants to keep the island protected as much as Ben does. It's the enemy of my enemy is my ally thought process that has those two working together at times.
    yea i think Michaels on the boat

  8. #268
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    How would Faraday and Charlotte (is that her name) know that Ben planned on killing people on the Island so they had to stop that nuclear reactor thing. Was Ben going to kill everyone and start things all.
    They remarked that they knew about his mass murder of the oriignal Dharma group.."he (used gas) once before.."..that would not be impossible to find out, he did kill over 40 people that were still connected to the outside world.

    My answer to your second question of Ben's this point it is pretty safe to say HE IS INSANE, as Locke said so eloquently in the cabin with Jacob the first time, and he'll do anything to protect his own interests. He murdered 40 innocent people, he has lied and deceived his own people and the islanders for his own gain, he has attempted to kill both Locke and Charlotte, he's got Sayid killing people for him in the future, he sent Goodwin on a possible suicide mission, and his exclamation to Juliet of "you belong to me" is about as telling as anything. This friggin guy is unhinged, he's found something (the island) that he will do anything to have and protect. He's killed before, why not do it again if it means prolonging his reign?

    He's the ultimate villian, I love it. I was laughing my ass off when he said 'see ya at dinner' to a shocked Hurley and Sawyer.

  9. #269
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Woodson
    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    How would Faraday and Charlotte (is that her name) know that Ben planned on killing people on the Island so they had to stop that nuclear reactor thing. Was Ben going to kill everyone and start things all over again?

    I'm curious to know who on the boat is Ben's inside contact. Could it be Walt's dad? It has to be someone left the show in the first two season's.

    Ben walked because Locke honored their agreement. Locke wants to keep the island protected as much as Ben does. It's the enemy of my enemy is my ally thought process that has those two working together at times.
    yea i think Michaels on the boat
    That is my suspicion as well. I think Michael never make it off the island with Walt. He was just tricked by Ben into thinking he had freedom.

  10. #270
    Time for Lost!!

  11. #271
    Shutdown Rat All-Pro Charles Woodson's Avatar
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    It was an okay episode...
    So we were right, michael was on the boat, apparently not willingly, sounds like Ben is holding walt hostage? Sun gets off, but not Jin,(damn i really liked him) and yea... Next week episode looks Siccckkkkk

  12. #272
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Woodson
    It was an okay episode...
    So we were right, michael was on the boat, apparently not willingly, sounds like Ben is holding walt hostage? Sun gets off, but not Jin,(damn i really liked him) and yea... Next week episode looks Siccckkkkk
    Do we really know Jin didn't get off the island? Maybe he died after he was off the island.......or did I miss something??

    The whole poisonous gas thing may be why Jack is so distraught after leaving the island...feeling that he left knowing people would die and wanting to go back to see what happened.

    So what do you guys think about what the Captain of the boat said about all those bodies being recovered from the airline crash? Someone left a note not to trust him.

  13. #273
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    I didn't get to watch the episode yet due to an insane amount of crazy difficult math homework, but the fact Jin was buried off the island implied he got off. He and Sun were the last members of the Oceanic Six according to the producers.

  14. #274
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet

    That is the Canadian preview for next week.

    Here are the two short teasers ABC shows during the week.

  15. #275
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I didn't get to watch the episode yet due to an insane amount of crazy difficult math homework, but the fact Jin was buried off the island implied he got off. He and Sun were the last members of the Oceanic Six according to the producers.
    You forget that Jin secured the Panda(twice from a store) as a token of appreciation from his Korean employer to a Chinese guest who just had a grandson born. It seemed to me that Jin faked his death and is alive back in Korea.

    Yes, we were all right about predicting Michael was Ben's spy on the boat.

    It was weird watching the female crew made commit suicide by jumping off the boat with chains strapped around her. The other crew members seemed so nonchalant when she made the jump. Even the captain dismissed it as "Cabin Fever."

    It was quite a scene when Juliette revealed to Jin that his wife had an affair before the island. It was a pretty powerful trump card to keep her from joining up with Locke.

  16. #276
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oregonpackfan
    You forget that Jin secured the Panda(twice from a store) as a token of appreciation from his Korean employer to a Chinese guest who just had a grandson born. It seemed to me that Jin faked his death and is alive back in Korea.
    Sun's delivery was a flashforward. Jin's Panda delivery was a flashback to a time period well before they ever landed on the island. He said he had only been married for two months as he left the hospital. He was doing a job for his father-in-law. Notice how aggresive he was as his cab was stolen, a temperment he developed as a newly appointed thug for Sun's dad.

  17. #277
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    Quote Originally Posted by oregonpackfan
    You forget that Jin secured the Panda(twice from a store) as a token of appreciation from his Korean employer to a Chinese guest who just had a grandson born. It seemed to me that Jin faked his death and is alive back in Korea.
    Sun's delivery was a flashforward. Jin's Panda delivery was a flashback to a time period well before they ever landed on the island. He said he had only been married for two months as he left the hospital. He was doing a job for his father-in-law. Notice how aggresive he was as his cab was stolen, a temperment he developed as a newly appointed thug for Sun's dad.
    Yup that was a flashback and a flashforward. Great epi.

    For sure Jin is gonna die a heroes death. If his body is buried at the grave Sun went to visit then he died trying to get them off the island. He dies with honor.

    But he really should have backhanded Sun once or twice for cheating on him with that bald, sick looking SOB. When Juliette dropped the bomb on him about Sun's affair I was like "DAAMMMMNNNN!".

    Michael is being forced to do something on the ship so that means Walt is still on the island.

    Based on Juliette telling Sun that in about a month she would get sick and die and her having the baby back in civilization is it safe to say they get off in a month?

  18. #278
    Senior Rat HOFer LL2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    Quote Originally Posted by oregonpackfan
    You forget that Jin secured the Panda(twice from a store) as a token of appreciation from his Korean employer to a Chinese guest who just had a grandson born. It seemed to me that Jin faked his death and is alive back in Korea.
    Sun's delivery was a flashforward. Jin's Panda delivery was a flashback to a time period well before they ever landed on the island. He said he had only been married for two months as he left the hospital. He was doing a job for his father-in-law. Notice how aggresive he was as his cab was stolen, a temperment he developed as a newly appointed thug for Sun's dad.
    That was confusing. I didn't see it clearly as a flash back and a flash foward mixed together. I was thinking Jin faked his death too, but that wouldn't make sense. He said he worked for Mr. Paik, Sun's dad, and I doubt he would go back working for him after he left the island. He hated Sun's dad.

  19. #279
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    Quote Originally Posted by oregonpackfan
    You forget that Jin secured the Panda(twice from a store) as a token of appreciation from his Korean employer to a Chinese guest who just had a grandson born. It seemed to me that Jin faked his death and is alive back in Korea.
    Sun's delivery was a flashforward. Jin's Panda delivery was a flashback to a time period well before they ever landed on the island. He said he had only been married for two months as he left the hospital. He was doing a job for his father-in-law. Notice how aggresive he was as his cab was stolen, a temperment he developed as a newly appointed thug for Sun's dad.
    Come to think of it, I think your assessment is correct, Twoseven.

  20. #280
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    Quote Originally Posted by oregonpackfan
    You forget that Jin secured the Panda(twice from a store) as a token of appreciation from his Korean employer to a Chinese guest who just had a grandson born. It seemed to me that Jin faked his death and is alive back in Korea.
    Sun's delivery was a flashforward. Jin's Panda delivery was a flashback to a time period well before they ever landed on the island. He said he had only been married for two months as he left the hospital. He was doing a job for his father-in-law. Notice how aggresive he was as his cab was stolen, a temperment he developed as a newly appointed thug for Sun's dad.
    That was confusing. I didn't see it clearly as a flash back and a flash foward mixed together. I was thinking Jin faked his death too, but that wouldn't make sense. He said he worked for Mr. Paik, Sun's dad, and I doubt he would go back working for him after he left the island. He hated Sun's dad.
    When Jin tried to buy the second Panda the shop owner tried to sell him a dragon. The shop owner said 'it's the year of the dragon..' That would make it the year 2000 or the year 2012. If it were 2012: what was with that cell phone, and how about the design of the cars. It was 2000, four years before 815 crashed on the island..

    ..which brings me to my second note. The date on Jin's grave is September 22, 2004. That's the date of the crash. That stone was obvioulsy placed there symbolically after news of the crash with no survivors hit the world, JIN IS NOT THERE, IN THE GROUND. Sun probably has a stone somewhere else too, her father would never have placed them together. So Jin's either still on the island (dead or alive), or somewhere else unbeknownst to Sun.

    That does not change the presumed fact that Jin's Panda adventure still happened in 2000. That flashback has absolutely no bearing on what has happened since the crash and what will happen in future episodes. Jin's flashback was simply a smokescreen to make Sun's flashforward and what actually happened to Jin more mysterious.

    Sun had TWO toothbrushes in her bathroom. Eh?

    Jin's story is NOT over. Jin could still be alive on the island, and Sun doesn't know it (though that's doubtful). He could still be on the island and she DOES know it, she's pretending he's dead to the outside world like Jack has been doing (that's very possible). Jin could also have been killed on the island, hero style, before she escaped.

    Regardless, it seems to me that Jin is NOT the last of the Oceanic Six. The date on the stone allows for another to surprise us later, unsuspecting, because without catching the date we would just assume that was it for the six and move forward. To me that would be a typical Lost curveball.

    I don't believe Jin made it off the island and then died because Sun would have gone to his actual burial place, not the symbolic one. I frimly believe he never left the island, probably died there, but who knows. Sun would mourn him like he were dead even if she knows he's still alive on the island because Jack has not been able to get back there. She and he and anyone else who's tried to find the island have had an impossible time doing so. So, Sun would not be pretending in thinking she'd seen the last of Jin, her mourning him as dead is therefore legit.

    So did Jin die on the island, or is he still alive there? Obviously Claire never made it off, Kate's raising her kid. Somebody from 815 is still there, Jack and the rest of the Six are telling the outside world a lie, just a matter of time (season 5 or 6) before someone goes back there and we find out.

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