MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) -- John McCain overtook Mitt Romney for the New Hampshire lead in a new poll released Saturday, three days before the nation's first primary.

Taken in the two days following the Iowa caucuses, the poll shows Romney losing ground after the former Massachuttsetts governor's disappointing second-place showing in Iowa; McCain continued his steady climb since the Arizona senator's campaign hit a low point last summer.

McCain had 33 percent while Romney had 27 percet. All others trailed by double-digits, with Rudy Giuliani at 14 percent and Mike Huckabee at 11 percent. The CNN-WMUR poll of 313 New Hampshire residents who said they will vote in the Republican primiary has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percent.

Seeking an edge, both McCain and Romney laid claim to the mantle of change earlier Saturday.