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Thread: Packers building park / entertainment in titletown district

  1. #1
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    Packers building park / entertainment in titletown district

    Looks like they're really classing the joint up. People are gonna love visiting legendary lambeau field!

  2. #2
    if anyone still cares about football by the time its all done

  3. #3
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    Oh, red, you damn drama queen

  4. #4
    it is very impressive

    should bring tons of money into the team, not that we would ever use it, or give anything back to the shareholders

  5. #5
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red View Post
    it is very impressive

    should bring tons of money into the team, not that we would ever use it, or give anything back to the shareholders
    Give back to the shareholders? With this statement I can tell you don't know what you are talking about.

  6. #6
    i wouldn't be so sure about that

    green bay is the only team in the nfl that can basically print out free money by issuing "stock"

    so basically they have an owner with very deep pockets(all the fans), but never once have to pay a dime to any of them. and the owners can never make any real money off the value of the team, like others when they are sold

    not to mention the team never has to do a damn thing for the owners

    its no wonder why fans of other teams bitch about the unfair advantage green bay gets because of its ownership structure. no other team in the NFL is allowed to do what we do

  7. #7
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    The Packers cannot just print out certificates and sell stock any time they feel the need. We are limited by the league to only a certain number of these sales and I don't see another sale coming along in the near future.

    Do you know where the money that was raised in these stock sales go? It doesn't go towards acquiring players. Every stock holder knows he/she isn't buying regular stock. We know the only thing we "get" is an invitation to the annual shareholders' meeting and the ability to purchase shareholder merchandise. We know it is a donation and the monies go towards stadium improvement.

    I don't hear other fans bitching about our so-called unfair advantage either. Most fans of other teams laugh at us, especially those of the other NFCN teams. They think we are suckers for buying "stock" that doesn't give us any return other than the success of the team on the field.
    Last edited by Pugger; 10-02-2016 at 12:26 AM.

  8. #8
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    GB shareholders are not a substitute for a deep pockets owner as much as they are a substitute for a large city that can contribute for the building or renovation of a stadium or other infrastructure needed to run a team. The shareholders enable the team to stay in small town GB more that anything else.

    The Packers are still at a disadvantage compared to teams that have wealthy owners who can, if they so chose, contribute money to every aspect of team expenses. The Packers are limited to what the team earns for paying player expenses.

    Between share sale campaigns, the Packers have no source of income other than the team operations itself. That's why developing other sources of team income is so important to the long term viability of the Packers. That's also why a significant cash reserve is absolutely necessary for them.

  9. #9
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pugger View Post
    Most fans of other teams laugh at us, especially those of the other NFCN teams. They think we are suckers for buying "stock" that doesn't give us any return other than the success of the team on the field.
    Those criticisms have always seemed so silly to me. I have a share framed in wood from bleacher seats replaced in a previous renovation. It's a neat display and no more expensive than a lot of other things bought by other fans, things like framed pictures, posters, wall hangings, lamps, chairs etc. You can buy team jackets that cost as much. A Green Bay Packer share is really no different than any of those things, but far more unique.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugger View Post
    We know the only thing we "get" is an invitation to the annual shareholders' meeting and the ability to purchase shareholder merchandise.

    When I was a kid, one summer I sold seeds door to door for the American Seed Company. At the end of this ordeal, I was rewarded by a selection of valuable merchandise. My selection was a pitchback contraption that would facilitate my transformation into an ace little league pitcher. My dream machine scattered two balls before crumpling into a heap.

    If the American Seed Company were around today, they would do well to setup a recruiting booth at the Packer stockholder meeting.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
    A Green Bay Packer share is really no different than any of those things, but far more unique.
    Stop it. You're killing me.

    red, what are two happening guys like you and I doing hanging out with these bumpkins?

  12. #12
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    A packer share on the wall is a real conversation piece, and something that no other fan will ever have. As an investment, it is absurd, but what right-thinking buyer ever thought of it as an investment?

    I see Bear fans with signed Urlacher memorabilia, framed posters of the stadium, player jerseys, expensive leather jackets, etc. How is a Packer share any less valuable than any of those things? What other fan can own something like it?

  13. #13
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
    The shareholders enable the team to stay in small town GB more that anything else.
    Actually, revenue sharing, the salary cap and taxation are what's keeping the Packers in dull and dark Green Bay.
    I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel.

  14. #14
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Polar Bear View Post
    Actually, revenue sharing, the salary cap and taxation are what's keeping the Packers in dull and dark Green Bay.
    The salary cap is what keeps the Packers competitive on the field. No team can spend any more on players than other teams can.
    Revenue sharing helps distribute the wealth, but may be less significant to the Packers than you might think, because of the Packers popularity.

    Without the stock sales of the past, where would the money have come from for the stadium renovations? Other teams can seek and obtain significant contributions from the cities/regions they are located in. Not too long ago nearly all stadium funding came from the cities/regions they were located in. How much could the City of Green Bay or the NE WI region give to that? Even now when owners pay for more of the costs, the money doesn't typically come from their game day and revenue sharing sources. Wealthy owners have their own other sources to contribute for infrastructure. The Packers have had only stock sales for owners contributions and significant city contributions.

    The Packers are on their way to becoming their own conglomerate, and will have income sources not unlike the other business interests of other owners. That has not been the case in the past. Future stock sales may not be needed.

  15. #15
    Red Devil Rat HOFer gbgary's Avatar
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    it's not like the team doesn't reinvest the money into the stadium, titletown dist, etc. look how different the place is from just a few years ago.
    to me buying that piece of paper is no different than buying a jersey except the team gets the whole amount...not just a portion.

  16. #16
    There are many more teams that would fold before the Packers if revenue sharing was dumped. The Jerry Jones model took revenue sharing and made it a significantly smaller share of total revenue when he was done selling his team locally. The Cowboys, Redskins and Patriots local revenue streams are the reason the Packers are about to name brand an ice skating rink in the Titletown District. Why don't they build an outdoor ice hockey rink?

    The turn the media took in bashing Packer fans buying stock last go around proved two things: Mark Murphy is not Bob Harlan. But also that media folks, who cheered right along with the previous stock sale after the Super Bowl win, didn't understand a thing about the stock or the fans. No one bought it as an investment. No one was duped into thinking it was financial winner. Patler is right, it was purchased as about the most unique piece of memorabilia available to a fan base.
    Last edited by pbmax; 10-02-2016 at 10:43 AM.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  17. #17
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    We are actually copying something the Patriots did with our Titletown District. In Foxborough they have something called Patriot Place that includes restaurants, a hotel and other stores surrounding Gillette Stadium that brings in revenue to the team that they do not share with the rest of the league.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post

    The turn the media took in bashing Packer fans buying stock .... No one bought it as an investment. No one was duped into thinking it was financial winner. Patter is right, it was purchased as about the most unique piece of memorabilia available to a fan base.
    Maybe the media got it wrong. But you are missing the silliness of stamp collections and $500 commemorative gold coins in handsome display cases and hanging framed stock certificates declaring oneself a owner of the Packers. I've done some pretty ridiculous collecting, I know it is ridiculous but I do it because. Just because.

    My greatest prize is my moose clock.

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