Yes correct. And you make a good point. How does one recognize the penis on their own forehead? Lots of honesty, and introspection.

How can you take what i say seriously? You cant. But that applies to everyone not named you. Its important to discern with honesty and healthy speculation, whether someone is lying to you or not, experience of being lied to i find is key in that discernment. That and not giving a fuck about other peoples opinion. I am my own man, and discern my own truth, and really take everything with a grain of salt, because everybody has their own truth, regardless of what the next person is saying. The best way to achieve consensus, is through acceptance, for others, but for the way you are in your current expression of humanity.

The only difference i find between myself and another is the story that i have about life that drives the nature of my existence. What i glean meaning from, another maybe cant.

But yes, i stand by what i said, we are all brainwashed, enslaved and shackled by the police state(not THE police, theres a difference) via monetary policy and monetary control. If you dont realize youre a debt slave, just ignore everything i say and "stick to football"..