Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Polar Bear View Post
Glad you’re doing well, Bretsky. Hope you fully recover.

I’ll trade you my burger flipping job for your office job. Feel a clicking in my left hip when high kicking due to an enlarged ball or socket or something. Pain is not so bad that I can’t work, although I did quit the second job. Some days are better than others. Doc I saw (not a hip specialist) doesn’t think it’s arthritis, but condition probably won’t go away without arthroscopic surgery.

Reading some of the unfortunate stuff here is scaring me a bit regarding surgery, maybe even moreso than the enormous surgical and rehabilitation expenses I’ll incur if I go the surgery route.

Sorry to hijack this thread, but anyone has experience with hip surgery or arthroscopic surgery? Football players have arthroscopic surgeries all the time without problems, right?
Look on the bright side, it ain't gonna get any better. Me, its my lower back if I'm misaligned during squats or deadlifts. And at my age (mid 60's), it takes frickin forever for the pain finally go away. And my vision sucks, these damn 'floaters' driving me nuts, my prostate probably the size of the football the Packers use in practice, and I have to take frickin pills to have sex, I know, too much information. I just view all this as the long slow process of dying.

Anyway, hope you get better and have a nice day.
