Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz View Post
How do you know that the Edges where actually the Force player or the Edge setter on certain plays? They could be playing a spill technique or there could have been a gap exchange going on with the edge and possibly the LB or even the safety. Roles and jobs responsibilities change based on play calls and offensive formation.
Agree, we can't always know. But sometimes I can watch a play unfold and see what a player is trying to accomplish to understand his responsibility on a given play. Once upon a time I said my big fear was that Gary would be really good at whatever he was told to do, but not be able to transition (for instance, setting the edge, but then pushing to a rush when the QB dropped back). He is actually better at it than I ever thought he would be. I think he is a fantastic player. Better than I dreamed him becoming. I also have always been a huge Mike White fan for developing 3-4 OLB. We missed him last year already.