Quote Originally Posted by run pMc View Post
You're also assuming that (a) the cap will go up every year - a reasonable assumption, barring another pandemic and (b) the amount you are kicking down the road stays generally proportional to the cap increase. That's a lot harder to predict and manage, especially since teams don't know the cap increase until just before the new season starts. If the cap goes up 15M but you have to eat 40M because of Bakhtiari and Jones and Rasul, you've kicked too much.

Was going to make an analogy with the national debt and growing economy/GDP, but that wades into FYI so I'll skip it. Point is, red is somewhat correct but managing that ratio of can-kicking to cap increase is almost impossible.
More nicely and patiently worded than I did, but pretty well said, run pMc. And that analogy you didn't make hahahaha is good too. You should show up over there sometime.

It takes a catastrophic injury on the heels of a huge contract like the Bakhtiari situation to even make a minor worrisome situation with the cap. Jones and Rasul very likely were gone for mostly non-cap related reasons. The more massive increase in the cap this year was sort of predictable, at least a safe bet.

The bottom line for anybody with a brain in there head is that the cap or the dead money or whatever else those fools are panicking over has NOT prevented the Packers from having an outstandingly talented team.