Quote Originally Posted by Scott Campbell

I was wrong about Thompson. Very, very wrong. So wrong, that I shall not make another prediction about his success or lack thereof for at least one entire week.

I especially apologize to Shadow and JH, who I know acknowledge as having the finest football minds on this board. I'd wash and wax their cars if only I lived a little closer.

Humbly, and with a deep sense of shame,

Scott Campbell
This is really very funny. I laughed out loud. Thanks for improving my outlook on this Crappy Monday.

I vote we rename JH - NOSTRADAMUS, and Shadow - "The old guy who is convinced he knows everything". (edit) Legend in his own mind? <sigh> Somebody with more wit than me want to take a stab?

I'm sure someone with a better mind than me can shorten that a bit.

Week 4 is a bit soon to proclaim victory, meanwhile, I'll watch the Packers and enjoy the games. About week 12 or 13 (most likely), I'll be doing a major mea culpa on Ted the genius (but probably NOT before).

I just want to see 'em play in the rain and snow with no running game 1st. I also remember the 2006 Vikings who were 4-0 before finishing 6-10.... horribly on most of the things they tried to do, except for run defense, but looked like super geniuses in week 4.

Lots of football to play...and hopefully enjoy. I'm delighted with how things have gone, yet concerned with several things, the running game, the run defense, Jarrett Bush, backup safeties, and the seemingly "fragile" health of Al Harris (tho he's been playing and well so far).

Right now, they have things under control, so I'm not griping. Not posting much because I'm busy at work, and you guys really don't want to hear me talk about good things - you'd just throw it in my face and remind me that I really don't like ole' Ted (and I still don't). Doesn't mean he hasn't put together a winner, and I can appreciate the team and not like him, right? Right?