Come on people, every practicing Pastafarian knows that global warming is merely a result of the influence of His Noodly Appendage in response to the sharp decline in the number of His ideal form for humanity, the Pirate. I refer you to the following statistical proof:

In all seriousness and in my humble opinion, part of the problem with doing research is that many of the solutions to our energy/global warming problem are tied to buzz words that freak out the general population. For example, if I stood in front of a room of "tree humpers" as it has been so eloquently put and was asked the solution to our energy problem, I would be booed off the stage the moment I said the word "Nuclear" and before I could finish my sentence with the word "fusion." (Now that I think of it, I haven't heard anything on fusion research recently, I might have to look into that after I'm done posting this) People want to utilize fuel cell technology, but if I told them that the first step is investing in genetic research, they'd freak. Personally, I can't wait for BMW to put out the first fuel cell cars in a couple of years, but I sincerely doubt it will catch on in the US in the near future since Exxon Mobil will simply block it's arrival or buy out the research. As for overpopulation, well, that's a problem that fixes itself, but not by means that most people approve. Eventually, there will be a famine, or drought, or disease (global warming induced or otherwise) which will help Mother Earth handle the problem herself.