Quote Originally Posted by The Leaper
So you are telling me he is this close to being a first tier candidate...but that he is misleading voters?
Ya, Hucklebee desperately needed a win in S.C. to remain viable. It really was that stark - he dropped from first tier to out of the race. The reason is that he has so little funding that he is vulnerable, no margin for error. His distant 4th place finish in Florida was the last stroke of the axe.

Quote Originally Posted by The Leaper
What do you want him to say? "I'm still in this because I'm auditioning for the role of VP?" Who is going to say that? Please show me any historical evidence of that ever happening.
No, here's the speech I would write for him: "Thank you for your support. The voters have spoken and we do not have the resources to continue our campaign. I hope to continue to be a voice in the Republican Party for working people. I urge you to support my friend, a great American, John McCain."

Quote Originally Posted by The Leaper
The reality is that this kind of posturing by a candidate who realizes he has no realistic chance of winning, but has a good chance to potentially be a VP or cabinet member, is typical and happens almost every election cycle. Huckabee isn't misleading anyone...we all know what is going on.
I agree with everything you say except the last sentence. A lot of his voters do not fully understand that he is effectively out of the race.

Quote Originally Posted by The Leaper
IMO, Paul is more misleading. The guy acts like people give a crap about his ideas...when the guy can't muster much more than 3% of the vote in most relevant states.
huh? He gets a low vote total because he is portrayed in the media (correctly) as not being viable. His isolationist ideas have a lot of resonance. I find him honest & sincere.