This is partly for packinpatland and partly for whoever else has knowledge of wine.

I'll run down my wine tastes so far and hopefully someone can give me general direction of where to try next.

The only wine I've drinken that I really like has been Merlot. I want to try other wines (between 10 and 20 dollars). I'd even buy it and age it for a couple years if I had to.

I don't like Chardonnay (too dry). I don't like Shiraz (or at least the spicey bottle I had). I don't like white Zin (too light, I can't put my finger on it, but I like a little body to my wine).

So far, I've really liked Merlot. I sampled some cabernet souvignon and liked it, but I like to recreational drink and that seemed more like a meal sipping wine.

OK pros, I've given you all I know about what I like about wine. You have any suggestions?

If you do, thanks, I hate buying wine and then being pissed off cuz it tastes like shit. That's why the last 20 bottles I've boughten have been merlot and even the worst, acidy merlot is better than Chardonnay or that spicy Shiraz crap I had Anyway, I'm ready to go outside my wine comfort zone and try different wines even if I have to choke down some bad wine. My hope is to get some general direction if anyone has it? ? ??