Quote Originally Posted by Charles Woodson
Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
Quote Originally Posted by Partial
blind hope? He is a terrible senator. As a matter of fact, he has done NOTHING except neglect his duty of being a senator to campaign and move up.
Partial, how many senators can you name that were amazing, solely because of their own work?

Why do you think Senators rarely get elected? Because you don't get a distinguished record in the Senate. It is designed so one person's voice doesn't reign supreme over others.

To say he has been a "terrible" senator is ignorant.
But wait bh, If partial says that obama is terrible then it simply HAS TO BE TRUE
What has he done? I pose that question to anyone to answer. The best answer I have gotten so far is something along the lines of this: "well, uh, he hasn't done anything, but he talks really good for a black public figure". Since going in office, he has neglected his duty to self-promote himself to be president. If he can't handle the job of being a senator, how can he handle being a president?!?

The best candidate out of the bunch for the dems was Bill Richardson, but when you have a black guy, a women, and a southerner going against him, it would be pretty tough to win.

IMO, the democratic party this year is all about style (something fresh, a black guy or a women or a southern democrat!) over substance (Richardson actually has experience running a state and balancing a budget).