Can you believe that a black man and a woman are stealing 98% of the press this election? Wow, to think that the year I was born, 1969, blacks and women were fighting a HUGE uphill battle just to be viewed as equals to white males. This country was founded by immigrants, and it finally looks like it may embrace a minority as it's leader. I am so excited to be a part of this historic time. This election is the most exciting thing I have ever witnessed. A part of me thinks there is no way that a woman or black man could ever win a presidential election, then I study their opponents and wonder how either could fail. Republicans might as well sit at home and watch this election, because, there is nobody running that stands a chance at winning. The fact that Hillary and Barak are winning almost all the primaries is astounding and shows us that America's youth are decidedly sick and tired of being lied to and are actively looking for change. Whether or not either democratic nominee can offer that is yet to be seen, but the voice of America is screaming out and showing it's disgust ... FINALLY. This will be a historic year, and I may not choose my vote until my finger reaches out behind the curtain, but one thing is for certain, I will be choosing change, for good or for bad.