Before the polls even closed Tuesday night, Sen. Hillary Clinton was moving on. She scrapped a planned campaign stop in the Washington, D.C., area, where she was supposed to make a final pitch for her candidacy in the Potomac Primary, and instead focused on reaching out to voters in the upcoming contests of Wisconsin, Ohio and Texas. At her campaign headquarters in Arlington, Va., she plopped down in a chair, wired herself with a mike and plowed through one satellite interview after another with local TV stations in those three states, according to a pool report. "We're going to work hard and campaign hard in Ohio," she told an interviewer from Youngstown, her voice hoarse and cracking. "I'm absolutely coming to Green Bay," she assured a Wisconsin station. Though she declared herself "very optimistic" and "excited," her uneasiness came through. "I think we have an uphill challenge," she told a Milwaukee anchor, referring to the Wisconsin contest next Tuesday. "I'm the underdog in that race."