Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
I think that one might have been unforgivable. TMI. Blech.
Agreed. With stuff like this from Tyrone "Mr. Fifteenth Wonder" Bigguns, one wonders if he shouldn't change his avatar and name to Herbert Marcuse and completely entertain his 'Polymorphous Perversity' in pursuit of the 'Pleasure Principle.'
this coming from the guy extolling liberals to have a sense of humor?

There ain't much funny about German philosophers...nor sociology.

Though, from a guy who touts the virtues of Rand, not surprised that you find anything but the standard missionary position outside the norms.

Though, ya gotta respect any dude who can bag a woman 40 years his junior..regardless of politcal persuasion.