Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by Scott Campbell
Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Hi God...it's me tyrone.

If it isn't too much trouble..can you have tex trespass on my lawn. I promise to put him down mercifully.

Your humble servant..tyrone.

Better ask God to grant you a clean shot from the safety of your closet.
Won't be in closet...clearly, according to you...and texas law..all i need is trespasser and to feel frightened.

Tex on lawn is trespasser...read tex's posts...clearly i would be frightened.
Apparently you missed my response the first time around that you posted this, Tyrone. You can sit out there gunning down trespassers until you're old and gray like me, and I won't be among them. Neither will virtually any other good normal Americans find themselves in your sights. A lot of trash that needs killin' just might show up, though. Thus, your offer to help is greatly appreciated, Tyrone.

As for the law--Texas and elsewhere, it's pretty much moot in the context of the right to trial by a jury of your peers. The great majority of good normal Americans are very sympathetic to the good guy blowing away the bad guy--forget the whole debate about self defense, fair warning, moving forward or running away, in the house or outside, etc. It's all Good versus Evil, and the good people comprising the jury will have the back of the good guy doing the shooting. Ain't America wonderful!
No. You can't follow along. Try to keep up old man. I did post a response.
It must have been pretty forgettable--like most of what you post.

And yet, you feel the need to address it. Interesting.

I guess i could just post like yourself...hmm:

1. Liberals are evil
2. Media is evil
3. Conservatives are good
4. The money multiplier will solve it

Well, guess there is no more reason for you to post.
Thank you again, Tyrone, for summarizing my views so eloquently. You're on a veritable roll, lately with all your gunning down trespassers stuff and now this. Just keep following my lead, and you'll never go wrong.

Harlan, I can't disagree with you and Rooney, but when the bulk of the text being quoted is already my work, I won't apologize too much.