Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by Kiwon
Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
No journalism died when TV went 24/7. Blame CNN.
Actually, young lady (may I call you that?), you have a profound point. That was one of the first dominoes. Good observation.
Some of the others:

1. Gay escort Jim Gluckert
2. 77 television stations were making use of the faux news broadcasts, known as Video News Releases (VNRs). Not one told viewers who had produced the items. Some by our State dept/bush.
3. Conservative columnists on Bush payroll. Michael McManus, Maggie Gallagher, and Armstrong Williams, a conservative African-American columnist, had been paid $240,000 by the education department to champion the administration's controversial policies in his print, radio and television outlets.
4. Bob Novak outing ms. plame..among other problems with his ethics.
Some of the others: Agenda journalism - making the story fit your POV, making up facts, including documents, 'reporting' using single sources, bias in journalism by choosing what to print on page one, what to put above the fold(which has been around forever - just go look at the Hearst Papers), headline choices, story choices, and level of coverage: (for example, 'Greta' on FOX, choosing to focus her broadcast on the latest tragedy, making it seem as though there are rapists and child killers swarming around our neighborhoods thick as fleas; or media outlets choosing to focus on prisoner abuse at Abu Grahib at a level far higher than say, the murderous enemy Musab al Zarqawi).
Yes, I really hate it when Mortenson and Clayton do that...