Colorado Governor Bill Ritter’s oops this morning on the Mike Rosen show, hour two ( When asked about rumors that he was on the list as a vice presidential candidate he remarked (not quoting) that his 18 months of gubernatorial experience were insufficient to be considered for vice president. When asked to compare this to [Obama's] 143 days of experience [in the Senate], he quickly changed the subject.”

I’ve transcribed the relevant parts of the exchanges, in which Ritter first downplays the rumors that Obama is considering him…

Rosen: “Why don’t you think you’d be a good choice?”

Ritter: “Well, just because, I think there are a lot of things that he has to take into consideration. I’ve been governor for 18 months. My experience before that was as a district attorney. I loved being a district attorney…but I don’t think that’s what Barack Obama’s looking for in a vice president. I’ve been governor for 18 months. It’s been a great experience. But it’s just 18 months…Obama has to think about experience…levels of experience…”

[Ritter then discusses other VP possibilities...Tim Kaine, Evan Bayh...praises their experience, foreign policy creds...Joe Biden/chair of Senate Foreign Relations committee..."Any of those three would make sense to me"...Kathleen Sibelius is a great woman...]

…and then during Q&A, Ritter fields an excellent question:

Caller Richard from Windsor: “Governor, you said 18 months’ experience wasn’t enough experience as governor to be the vice president. Would you want to contrast that with the 143 days’ experience Obama as senator before he decided he had enough experience to be president.”

Ritter: All I can tell ya is I am a fan of Barack Obama’s. Met him in 2004 during his campaign for Senate…You meet him and discover there’s something very different about him. That’s all I’ll say.