Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
The difference is that they only pile on to save their shred of credibility when the situation is absolutely hopeless and obvious if its a left winger--like Clinton, Spitzer, Hart, etc. whereas they are leading the pack of wolves long before there is even any evidence when it's a conservative--example: the NY Times witch hunt about McCain cheating. They cover up and try everything they can to deny and mitigate the leftist scandals--as with the sham Purple Hearts that got Kerry out of Vietnam, as brought out by the Swiftboaters, and all of the crap about close associates of Obama.
Really, i seem to recall the press jumping all over clinton's bimbo eruptions well before it was absolutely hopeless and obvious.

It is just too easy.
As I said ...... "The difference is that they only pile on to save their shred of credibility when the situation is absolutely hopeless and obvious if its a left winger--like Clinton ......".

I saw a tabloid headline the other day that an Obama divorce is coming soon. If this prospect was about a Republican, you just know the NY Times and the rest of the leftist mainstream media would be all over it.
Are you that dim? The press most certainly was piling on clinton and searching for bimbos...or do you think the clintons wanted to go on 60 minutes and talk about his indiscretions.

It is just too easy.