Quote Originally Posted by Scott Campbell
Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
Quote Originally Posted by Scott Campbell
Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
Is it "on the public record" that he wanted her to have an abortion? I'm just curious, since Ty seems to have made all this his business.

How many abortions did Chelsea have? Is that "on the public record" too?

Has Michelle Obama been sleeping around on Barak? Seems like I saw some reference to that in a "public record" at the super market the other day.

For a party that defended extra marital May/December sex in the oval office and subsequent lies under oath to a grand jury, this witch hunt behavior seems more than a little inconsistent.
For a party that instigated a witch hunt, it seems a bit inconsistent not to expect one.

Not at all. It's a family member, not the elected official themselves. If Chelsea was the one having sex in the oval office, and lying about it in front of grand jury, even Tex wouldn't have called for Bill's impeachment.

This issue is as weak as they come.
Palin is being talked about..not bristol. Mrs. Palin's family is more than fair game when you present yourself..and the party presents her as a symbol of family values, solid mom, etc. Mrs. Palin's thoughts and policies should be examined as to how they affect all residents of her state...and certainly her daughter qualifies.

P.S. I guess all those stories about billy carter and ruth carter were just...well, i imagined them. Same goes for ron jr and the rest of his RR's family.

P.P.S. Wouldn't be in this mess if Mac had the courage of his convictions and went with Joe..or KBH. But, when you sell your soul...these types of things happen.