Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
Giuliani was terrific I thought. So was Palin. And the beauty was two-fold. First, they took apart Obama using simple facts and his own words and positions. Giuliani dissected him on the response to Russia's invasion of Georgia. They both pummeled him on being wrong about the surge and being for defeat in Iraq. They blitzed him on being for tax increases in all aspects of life and death. And they demonstrated that he has ZERO, repeat, ZERO actual experience (Present!). The second prong was to point out how they - McCain and Palin are the better of the candidates. Service to America, focus on basic American values that have stood the test of time. Love - LOVE of country - both families McCain and Palin rich in service to the nation. Effective leadership. Great, just great!
The enquirer is reporting that he had a pretty tricked out bondage suit on under that well cut suit.

It would have been nice if the Rat would have been in the command center when the towers went down.