Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
Where to start with this? My first reaction is that there is virtually nothing similar between Chernobyl and 9/11. How can they be similar? The Reactor failed for multiple reasons: poor construction, poor staffing, poor oversight, etc. Radiation escaped because, unlike reactors in the west, there was no secondary containment building.
OK, they are different, there is no enemy in Chernobyl. But C. & 911 have more in common than they have difference. They are huge, sad tragedies caused by human failure. People asleep at the switch.

Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
People caused 9/11. Islamic terrorists. And not just any terrorists. Men who were highly educated, men who lived in the west, men who were highly motivated not by poverty or desperation, but by a specific ideology.
Ya, it is a big deal. The fight against terrorism is a big deal. But it need not be all-consuming, and it CERTAINLY should not define us, or even our policy.

We are going to beat the bastards. And it is critical to note that the battle is primarily one to be won by the Muslims themselves, its mostly an internecine war, and the radicals are a minority.