Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
Ayn Rand, it is implicitly understood by all that the terrorist carry the moral resonsibility of their actions. We're discussing our preparation and response, the part within our control. Blaming people in this country for failures is not the same as excusing the terrorists, which I have to believe you get, not sure why you won't let this academic point go.
Because you started with equating them to Chernobyl for shit's sake. Then Campbell says "I don't blame the terrorists."

Long term, I think that is a loser and losing mindset - it basically is the mindset that the terrorists will always exist and we have to be prepared, rather than saying, we have to get rid of the terrorists and their support and motivation so we don't have to be in a state of continual lock-down. After all, we've had the minimal amount of changes to try to protect ourselves and look at the carping and hysteria from the left over a few changes in FISA and in monitoring overseas calls. If we have a defensive posture only, that will only get worse. There is an ideology that exists that prefers using terror and if we accept that in the same way that we accept that storms will happen, we're going to lose, and keep losing.