Not to take attention away from Mazzin's thread, but though I dont know it yet, I think I may be falling for the pretty girl at work.

How often do married people fuck? I swear to God I am not LJ and i know nothing about hacking, but just from reading the regulars' posts for almost 2 years now and from my excellent investigative skill (I should join the FBI after college), this much I learned about the married folks:

Bresky and Nick Collins are turning to porn to satisfy their sexual desires. MJZiggy's husband is invisible. Wallbangers' once pretty wife is losing her prettiness with age. Grnbay007 is divorced. Nutz wife, in theory, is getting fat. Harlan is a divorced man fantasizing about Lolita. Campbell hasnt been posting for a while, so in theory, he may be marrying his 11th wife right now for all we know.

My theory is this: people get married and think they can have unlimited sex with each other. But after the second child, they stop having sex, at least not on regular basis. Eventually, the sex isnt good anymore so that prompted the wife and husband to cheat. The husband fuck the girl at work and the wife fuck the mailman. Soon the dont even have sex at all. But because of their love for their children or because of the financial difficulties of divorce, they are unlikely to divorce each others. They say love is fleeting. I think it is just sex.

Your feedback will help me greatly in deciding whether i should propose to the girl i am now falling for at the end of the summer.
