Quote Originally Posted by th87
Quote Originally Posted by swede
Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
My favorite West Wing episode:
West Wing: the television show that fantasized about liberal issues and presented weekly smackdowns of evil, hateful Republicans, allowing liberal ladies to survive the Bush era by pretending the President was really a Democrat.
Though this may be, the guy was dead-on with respect to the picking and choosing of Biblical laws to obey.
Cy: No he wasn't. That little soliloquy was obnoxious, a straw man fabricated by Hollywood, because in their secularist cacoon they haven't a clue of what Christians really believe. But it sure made the ignorant feel good about hearing it. Secularists and liberals heard it and said, "Yeahhh, Go get 'em, Prez!" Christians heard it and said, "huh? What's he talking about."

To say that the rejection of homosexula marriage is an "imposition of our morality" is to deny that anyone can be against homosexual marriage unless he is a "man of the book." Which is absurd.

Anyone who wishes to maintain the traditional undersstanding of meaning and language could and would be against homosexual marriage. Citizens in a Republic have an interest in maintaining stability, and part of that stability demands that traditional institutions are maintained.

Why, for example, could polygamy be argued for and defended with the SAME arguments used to defend homosexual marriage? Or incest? Or any number of different arrangements?