Quote Originally Posted by LL2
I think there is some truth in alternative medicine. More people die from doctors than from guns. One of the things we do not do is get our kids vaccinated. My kids never get sick. The only symptoms they have had in the past couple years, and my kids are young, are the runny noses and slight fevers from when there teeth were growing in. That is normal. It may seem wrong not to vaccinate your kids, because every doctor pushes it, but there is a small but growing group that do not do it. We know several families that do not do it, and some that wish they had not done it. America is the most drugged up country in the world. I don't have the statistics in front of me, and wish I did. We produce more than 2/3rds of the drugs in the world, and consume the vast majority of that. I could go on and on, but yeah...I think alternative medicine is not a bad thing. Be smart and go to a doctor when necessary, but also be smart about the care and treatment you get.
Perhaps you should read up about these diseases you are not getting your kids vaccinated for. The main reason your kids aren't getting them is that enough are vaccinated that the diseases do not spread. If there are enough like you, the diseases will be back with a vengeance.

As for the oil pulling and other such, its fine if you like placebos. Any of these alternative treatments making big claims of curing serious and wide-ranging diseases should just be ignored as quackery.