Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
Say hey admin.....not going to scroll through the whole thread of welcome's, how do you do's and general ass kissing and hope this has not been asked yet but was wondering if we are going to be seeing adds anytime soon?

Kind regards,

I picked this one of many questions to respond to. Lots of requests and some concern about features and direction.

Way too soon to give you a detailed plan of where things are headed, so if you're looking for that, I'm sorry but for now, you'll be disappointed. I don't have one.

Couple of important points though. 1st, I don't want to "lose" what this site has, and that's a core group of people with a love for the Packers. The site itself functions well, with the exception of a few people, most seem to get along. Not going to do anything to disrupt what works well.

The question of ad banners is a good one. Do I like them? No. Do they generate revenue? Sometimes. Am I going to "litter" the site with ad banners? No. Would I rule out having a couple in the right circumstance? Too soon to say, but having ad banners is not a goal. Those google banners seem almost worthless to me.

What I'm more interested in doing is providing additional features to what we currently have here. Finding a revenue source would help with that. But that will take time. If you have ideas, I'd invite you to PM me. Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions, both good and bad.

For right now, I just want to upgrade the site a bit. Upgrade doesn't include major changes, nor does it include massive functionality changes. Fritz - not sure if you were joking or not, but you'll continue to navigate just fine. promise!

I gave Madtownpacker my word that I wouldn't "change" the essence of what Packerats.com is about. I meant it when I agreed to it, and I intend to do what I said I'd do. That doesn't mean we won't change around here, if we don't we'll get stale, (which isn't good for anyone), but that does mean it will be gradual.

Top priority is to keep talking about Packer football. That won't change. Hope that clarifies things a bit.