Quote Originally Posted by packerbacker1234
1. It was pretty apparent for at least 3 seasons TT did not want favre as a packer anymore. So he may have missed the bus: But your not undoing anything. It's the same offense with the same players, Favre didn't miss a thing that season. The packers merely said it;s AR time and they wanted to move on. I don't recall trade demands, especially to the vikings, until the "buyout" offer was made. Get payed a lot of money by GB to do whatever, but in return stay retired. That was a bigger slap in the face then a retired player deciding he made a mistake.
Apparent for three seasons that TT didn't want Favre? Based on what, exactly?
They were ready to welcome him back as the starter when he first wanted to unretire.
They were ready to bring him back in August, but in a competitive situation.
He didn't demand a trade when he first talked about returning, he demanded an outright release.

Quote Originally Posted by packerbacker1234
It is hard to call it quits, and Favre felt he made a mistake retiring. In this sport, that happens, and can be undone. The packers just did not want any of it.
A month after retiring, the Packers were ready to bring him back as the starter; but he changed his mind yet again. They were willing to bring him back in August, to compete with Rodgers. This is sports. Competing for a position is what it is all about.. Favre is the one who would have nothing of it.

Quote Originally Posted by packerbacker1234
Lied. Lied about what? When he first retired, I am sure he meant it at the time. He was coming off a playoff pick that ended a fabulous season and a possible SB, and the packers wanted to know pre draft. So, pre draft, he was so emotionally drained from that loss what else could he be thinking? He even admitted he could play, but mentally he just wasn't there. Well, I don't blame him, and I doubt he lied at that time.

He simply changed his mind. A lot of former NFL players warned of it before it happened, because he is not the only one to do this.

He simply changed his mind. A lot of former NFL players warned of it before it happened, because he is not the only one to do this.
No the Packers did not want to know predraft. Favre admitted that when he told them he wanted to retire they asked if he was sure, and told him he could take as much time as he wanted.

I am of the opinion that from his first announcement with the Packers, his entire goal was to get out of Green Bay. I am of the opinion that it was his goal to get out of Green Bay for several years. It is my opinion that he tried to do with GB exactly what he did with the Jets, put them in a position in which they would have to release him so he could go wherever he wanted to. But that is a another topic, and I won't go into the details here.

What he did last year to get out of the jets... sure it was sort of a cop out, but the jets are the ones that just "let him go". That is their fault, and their loss, not Favre's. Favre fits with the vikings for many reasons, the most important one doesn't even pertain to playing against packers: The playbook. He even said it himself, first practice he was out with the first team calling plays and had no issues there.

Minnesota's playbook is very similar to what Brett knows. Minnesota has a probowl running back, a decent OL, average WR's, and a decent defense with a team that has the same playbook he got use to for 16 seasons. If he was going to play, Minnesota really was the best fit for him
No, the Jets didn't just "let him go". They relied on what he told them, made plans to go on without him, and unlike the Packers the year before the Jets didn't have the cap space if he wanted to come back. They knew what was up when he asked for his release instead of being content on the retired list, and rather than get involved in the Favre off season circus they released him early when he asked for it.

Favre shafted the Jets big time, in my opinion.