Quote Originally Posted by administrator
Several PM's out to people, got a couple more to go.

Zool & Rastak posted in a thread that things were degenerating around here and they're right.

I've been giving a little leeway based on the crappy way this team has performed so far this season, but the relentless commenting is getting a bit out of control. (On both sides of the fence). The "you rah rah" posts are pretty ridiculous also.

When the group attacks start, followed by the insincere sarcastic "apology" posts, it is time to cease. But that works both ways. The chicken little, sky is falling, opinions need to stop also.

Think before you type. It is Viking week, so I still have some tolerance, for good natured team bantering, but in reality my tolerance is waning. Don't push it too far.

Thanks - Joe