Quote Originally Posted by HowardRoark
The Top 10 Unanswerable Questions

1. What is the meaning of life?
2. Is there a God?
3. Do blonds have more fun?
4. What is the best way to lose weight?
5. Is there anybody out there?
6. Who is the most famous person in the world?
7. What is love?
8. What is the secret to happiness?
9. Did Tony Soprano die?
10. How long will I live?
1. See (2)
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Eat less and exercise more
5. Yes
6. The President of the United States, Brett Favre, or some soccer dude
7. How high is up? How low is down?
8. See (7) and (1)
9. Tony who? Yes, eventually
10. I don't know - do you smoke, overeat, take part in dangerous sports?