Yeah, not to pile on pb, but I too recall mentioning how the Packers were playing mostly nickel and that they weren't giving up points so there was no real problem with the run defense numbers. That's the Packers' best defense to both attack at the LOS and simultaneously protect against big plays, which is a central tenet of Capers' philosophy going back to the advent of the zone blitz.

Even in the last game against the Bears, most of Forte's yards came on 2 plays where Walden failed to hold the edge as I recall. Other than that he was pretty much shut down and it seems as if Walden has learned from those plays.

The 3-3 d I think refers to the nickel package where Walden's been playing off the LOS in the middle spying on the QB. It's not really a 3-3 unless you consider one of the OLB's playing on the LOS as a d-lineman.