ok, this just hit me as IMO, a great way to control the amount of spammers and trolls we have here, and other delinquents. this also goes with what we once talked about with letting unregistered people view our posts.

we make a Jr. packer rats forum. this would be the only forum that new members and unregistered people can view. new members post n this forum, about whatever they want, packers, the weather, other teams, college, rants, etc). now, after they make a minimum of 10 posts, they are eligible to get into the rest of the forums. BUT

you have to have something like 10 or 15 regular members give you a vote of confidence, based on what they contributed in the Jr. rats forum.

so, say a new member registers, if they just spam a bunch of crap in the jr. forum, then no normal members will want them in, so nobody will vote them in. however, if that new member writes some good stuff, or at least acts civil, then the normal members will see this and vote them in.

just something to think about, it can be tinkered with