Quote Originally Posted by Smeefers View Post
But.. but I'm not miserable for days and I don't throw up when they loose and I don't Threaten to beat people up. I just go "aww man..." and am maybe a little sad for a day or two (up to 3 days when we lost the SB in 97). But then ya bounce right back. It didn't even bother me all that much when we lost last year because...well, damn! 15-1, are you kiddin me!? I also get that me writing what I do here isn't going to change a damn thing. That's pretty elementary stuff. The only thing it is going to change is my perspective on the game. I come to this website to learn other view points and try to get a better understanding of the game. I mean, this topic doesn't have a lot to do with the game, but it's close enough for me.

So uh... what now? Hug it out?
This is the emotional part of the game. Brett Favre is still the biggest news story in Wisconsin. He is the most polarizing figure in Wisconsin sports' history, and the next time he says anything it will immediately be picked up and reported by the Wisconsin news media. He gave an interview this fall before he did a broadcast for the Southern Miss game, and every single word was pull apart and analyized for hidden meanings, and slights.

What I don't get, if you are so easy going about actual losses that happen on the field, then why are you still so bent out of shape about Favre? When was the last time Favre impacted a loss for the Packers?