Catchy title, eh?

So it seems like we have a great mix on this board of some who have adult children, some who have teens and some who have young children.

Did you guys ever get involved in your kid's relationship troubles? Or ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend's parents do so?

I offer my kids advise and I would interject if there was a serious issue like a dangerous situation or if drugs/alcohol were an issue.....but just normal teenage relationship drama??? No way!

My boy's girlfriend's mom is getting wayyy too involved IMO. They have an "issue" and he goes to their house and the mom starts dogging him! (and not in a joking way...freak!) I try to help him out on how to handle those situations in a respectful way but man I'd like to tell him how to tell her what she deserves! lol It's like she's teaching her daughter how to be a jealous biotch! When her daughter is with us I don't say, "so what are you whining about today?!"

Some people!!!! (can you tell we had another episode tonight? )

Is this normal behavior by an adult/parent?