Part 2 Of Post to JH:

The real story going back to late Winter-Spring 2008 to August 2008 and the Packers trading Favre:

There isn't anything even marginally unordinary about the whole thing JH. I'll try to explain it from my own personal experience and athletics and maybe you can relate to this similarly.

I played sports competitively into my 40's. I can re-call as I got on in age how hard it was to get back too top shape. Too really feel that old zip again. As I aged I could feel that fire recede in my belly. It was really getting out to the first practises; seeing the familiar faces that got the blood really boiling again. It was knowing that my teammates were happy to have me back. That cemented a final desire to play my best to help my team do it's very best.

I re-call seeing a team of old friends and acquaintances disband one season after we just failed to win an Eastern Canada Championship Final. I was picked up by a solidly competitive team the next year. I played hard for that team; and they made me feel welcome, but it wasn't the same. I had no terrific desire left in my heart. In rather and simply went through the motions. I played my very best 'only' in spurts. All I had left was natural ability but not 'the fire' or desire never to loose. I took everything too much in stride.

There had to be some of that going on inside of Brett Favre.

The other thing that some here overlook. Brett Favre isn't a really bad man. Brett Favre is a well liked individual and fun to be around. I would love to spend an afternoon with Brett Favre doing whatever he chose for us to do. I'd love to get him on a pool table with a few brews. I'd try to dust his ass. I know I would have a hoot with Brett Favre and have him in stitches. If he got too serious I'd calm him down because I have that style of personality.

What was Favre as a Green Bay Packer, JH?

He was a leader on the field and in the locker room. Just having him there was huge for his teammates. You don't have to lead a thirsty horse to water. Well in 2008 it was a lot more of that.

His fire was burning out. Not burnt out >>>burning out, JH.

It was also what we saw during his last 5-6 years. He was not so much into the NFL and more and more money. That man was very well off. His endorsements alone made him very rich. That man more than once had his contract re-structured to help the Packers acquire or maintain good talent. He was the ultimate team player and very well liked by teammates. He was relaxed and fun to be around. He didn't nor had to suck up to anyone. He didn't need any praise. He had to answer 'the call of one bell'... his own.

JH...For most of his days in Green Bay Brett Favre was the preeminent NFL player; the most ICONIC of all NFL players. After an amazing 2007 season. A season in which he gave his all to his team's effort. Saw and felt it go to zero and no Super Bowl again. How much did that take out of Bret Favre!? How much did he feel he let his teammates and MM and TT down at that ending?

That had to be brutal on a man with his emotions. That had to leave his tank startlingly empty.

There is something else JH.

If you read all the reports and things that Favre says and actually desiring to return to the Packers No. 1 QB job. He clearly says he has mixed emotions there as he had expressed feelings for the inevitability of that return and having to see Aaron Rodgers on the sidelines again. Couple that with the news from MM and full on having to know that TT and MM had moved onto Aaron Rodgers. Favre desiring to play football again as all he knew for so long at that time of year. The NFL HO adding pressure for the Packers to make more effort to allow Brett Favre to pay and riding the pine after his 2007 season being ridiculous.

It all becomes so simple to understand.

This conspiracy theory thing some here desire to drum up. That's great entertainment. I love fiction JH.

What it got down too, was the fact that he could play at a high level again and that certainly demonstrated by more than doubling the New York Jets number in the 'W' column in 2008.The fact he led the Minnesota Vikings too 13 wins in the 2009 season. Those facts of Favre and capable still then cannot be taken away.

Some of Packer Nation actually feel that to mend it all. That can only arrive after an apology. That he owes TT and the Packer fans and organization some form of public apology. I say such is within Favre if that's actually deserved for certain parties. I believe if you error and such error hurt someone cruelly without proper justification. or the insult didn't fit. Then an apology shouldn't be too hard too get out and with conviction. You never apologize unless you feel the pain yourself hurting another and do so well.

What does Favre have to apologize for JH?:

For wanting to be a Professional athlete and compete on some NFL team to go to another Super Bowl? The Green Bay Packers couldn't cover all the bases by simply ensuring a Brett Favre retirement. We'll never really 'in absolute TRUTH' and from a standpoint of 'BEST UNDERSTANDING' get to the bottom of it all. I do feel this and all that retirement talk in 2008. That Favre retirement was as final or real; was about as likely in 2008. As 'my retirement from living', any time soon.

After his 2007 season Brett Favre simply had to try again. Too many positives about that season (2007) to keep that man away from playing in the NFL in 2008.

The Packers didn't as one notable Packerrat informs us...'kick Bret Favre to the curb' to promote Aaron Rodgers. The Green Bay Packers made a sound business decision. A decision for the future of the Green bay Packers by electing to go with Aaron Rodgers; and specifically that when Brett Favre took too long to positively declare a positive commitment (by TT's and MM 's definition) for the 2008 season.

Whatever happened in terms of anything Brett Favre after his trade to the Jets is entirely Brett Favre's business, and FREEDOM OF RIGHTS. I do certainly believe that he was well over any bad feelings, if he ever really had any for TT and/or MM, by the end of the 2008 season. He clearly said then that both sides made errors leading up to his trade to the NY Jets but that he felt that both sides were over it ... that he and the Green Bay Packers had simply and correctly moved forward. He clearly (again) stated this in a post game interview after the final Jets game Vs Miami (and a loss) in the 2008 season.

All that garbage smut crap and Favre doing this or that in private after he was traded to the Green Bay Packers. 'Only' feeds the fire for those Packer fans that elect to carry some silly grudge against a man that 'only' gave hugely to them in his time in Green Bay. I don't find this attitude really strange either. Why? That stuff or (to other team fans) rather odd characteristic of Green Bay Packer fans is sorta normal. It's strange behaviour but on the other hand typical of some Packer fans going back in the history of Green Bay Packer Legends... 'Curly' Lambeau , and even Vince Lombardi. Today those Packer fans if existing back in the 'witch hunt days' might try to burn Favre at the stake if he showed his face in Green bay. It's really almost funny to me that such could even be imagined.

Some Packer fans can 'only' love you for what you gave that was really positive 'yesterday'. If the 'today' stuff doesn't really excite/totally agree with them >>> your garbage >>> trashed !

The thing is I do not understand in such people. That's a big vice versa for them and how they try to classify, 'or pigeon hole me' here at Packerrats. That at least makes us even. Whatever floats their boat is overall their way...never going to be mine. As long as we can live with that simple fact of life here at Packerrats it'll be OK.

JH ..There's a certain TRUTH I live with as a dedicated die hard Green Bay Packer fan.

Inspite of any animosity these Favre disclaimers need to have to drum up. Inspite of their ire that I could possibly challenge their rightness. We will somehow I expect co-exist here at our Packer home. I'm truly a proud member of Packerrats . All that horrendous spite for Brett Favre is simply, a too bad so sad... a 'so what' to me. Part of my Packer fan awareness is to truly remain loyal. Too pay some decency in respect for my Green Bay Packer star players. After all as Packer fan they gave me much. They tried their best and often gave so much too/for me to enjoy.

That's generally as I am...loyal to a good cause. With the accent on the word 'good'. Sometimes I fight fire with fire here. I've always been in my own best way a warrior.

It's too easy for me to remain loyal to Favre. Favre is a Green Bay Packer 'TRUE LEGEND'. His status as a Green Bay Packer has few 'if any' contenders. His superior status as an NFL player places him in a rather prestigious and exclusive number of players.

Favre is one man 'and name', that stands alone and at or near the top of all GREAT NFL players; certainly an enduring ICON among all Green Bay Packer players in Green bay Packer history.

He's certainly not Pete Rose. Even Pete Rose may one day be forgiven.