This Lady is back on the New Hit TV Series SHARK ... Jeri Ryan Co-Stars with " the brilliant " James Woods.

WHAT WAS YOUR REASON.. for watching ** Star Trek Voyager?

Jeri Ryan gained a loyal fan base for her role in that ** Series, which required a costume so tight it took nearly an hour to get into it.

Uhhhh.... " seven of nine " ?? ...You've GOT... to be kidding me !!

In 2001 Jeri moved on to play Ronnie Cooke on the Fox drama Boston Public.

Later She was in the hit TV Series The O.C.

Now you may choose to enjoy this (talented) actress in SHARK. James Woods is as powerful as ever.

SHARK is on GLOBAL @ 10 PM Eastern Time Thursday Nights or 2 Hours following SURVIVOR.

It's on now.

Jeri Ryan was born in Munich, Germany, but was raised on several military bases all over the world. Settling on Illinois for college, she joined a sorority and competed in beauty pageants, making it all the way to the Miss America Pageant in 1990.