its gonna be very interesting just how that policy is worded

the way i understand it, its basically a disability policy. if he gets injured and can't play again he gets the money. its not insurance against not making enough money.

so his doc saying he's fully healthy and cleared to play, does that void the policy? the teams don't want to take the risk, that doesn't mean he's disabled.

also, what happens if a team from the cfl offers him some peanuts for a year to play? does he have to take it? its work. he would still be able to make a living playing football, he just wouldn't be making as much. and again, its not insurance covering not making enough. if he turns down the cfl teams offer does it void the deal.

if an NFL team offers him a 1 year deal for the vet minimum, can he turn it down and still claim the 10 million? i'd say no, because a team somewhere was willing to pay him to play

i see a court fight coming, and a settlement for less then 10 million