Quote Originally Posted by red View Post
again with the talk of cobb being a big injury risk, or injury prone

is a-rod an injury risk? is jordy injury prone?

like i've said before, cobb has suffered one freak injury that would have injured anyone that got hit there. other then that he's missed 2 games in 2 years

jordy has missed 7 games in 6 years. does anyone think it was a risk to resign him?. a-rod missed half of last season, does he have to prove to the team he can stay healthy?
Not that it is definitive, but Nelson looks like a guy who might miss a game or two here and there, and that is what he has been. He's bigger than most DBs. Cobb looks like a guy who can get broken in half. Except for his broken leg, he hasn't been that. Driver looked the same. So did Jennings. Hopefully, Cobb's career follows more like that of Drivers than Jennings.

No body expects a player to never be injured. If there is a warning sign for Cobb, it is that in three years he has missed at least a game every year, while playing less than full-time snaps. But, it's only three years, and a broken bone was the big one, and that can be a freak one.

If I am the Packers, I'm not all that worried about Cobbs' injuries. Anyone can break a bone. Anyone can tear up a knee, anyone can screw up his neck...at any time. Those are a team's biggest risks beyond a guy who is frail. If I am Cobb, my risk of a big injury that anyone can get is a factor in what $ I will sign for when, but that is the same for every player.