1. Always glad to see Ras here. Don't agree world is screwed and don't agree more physical discipline is needed for what trouble remains. I tend to associate "the world is going down the tubes" viewpoint with watching too much TV news. Ras can tell me whether my theory holds for him or not.

2. Goodell will survive but the aura of invincibility is over; now he will get press treatment closer to Selig. And nowhere as near as deferential as Stern. Owners still support him but the teflon is gone. The biggest cost of this fiasco is that he is probably going to lose his Czat status as judge and jury over HGH and probably will lose it over Personal Conduct after all is said and done. Those are two good things to come out of horrible situations. Presiding over the Peterson case will be tough because while the the age, the switch, the punch and the injury to the scrotum make it egregious, the idea of corporal punishment is not universally disapproved.

3. Personal experience with paddling. The fear of those paddles never changed much behavior. It moved it to other venues or encouraged cover ups. In that way paddling is like prohibition.