I think the article was fair - but I'm biased b/c the guy is saying a lot of what I've been saying for a while now.

I think more highly of Nelson that he apparently does; I agree that we are going to struggle to stop the run all year - he doesn't address philosophy in this regard, only evaluates the players, but the players are a reflection of the Packer philosophy that says stopping the run is only an incidental aspect of the game.

He gives higher grades to the OL than I would - but the same issue exists here as with the run defense. The players might be better than what they produce, but MM doesn't put them in good positions to excel b/c he is back to only calling 3 running plays again. When he went to a more diverse play sheet, and incorporated power plays, the OL responded, Lacy improved, and suddenly we had a little bit of a running game.

He rips the ILB's - but of course Stevie Wonder can see how pathetic they are. 1265 can't see it, but everyone else can. I think he is too lenient on the DB's. Burnett looks the part, but the guy simply doesn't make plays. Has the tackling improved?? Couldn't be any worse than last year... seems a bit better, we'll see. I haven't viewed Williams as being in decline - hope he's not.

At the end of the day, the Packers are all about Aaron Rodgers. We have Rodgers, Nelson, and Matthews that are pro bowl caliber players; we have a handful of players just below that level - Shields, Williams, Lacy, and I think maybe Daniels.

On offense, the OL is average across the board and the depth is poor; Cobb is okay, but the other receivers are below average at this point; the TE's are junk.

On defense, there are some good players up front, but of course they are not used to their strengths. I think Perry and D. Jones are better than what they are producing, but I put that on dunderdummy; the DB depth might be okay, but between TT playing musical chairs and injuries it is a stretch to think that unit can be consistently effective against top-flight competition.

I had us at 11-5 this year... and we can maybe still get to that level, but we are still a flawed team. I thought we might have the talent to at least be in the conversation for a Superbowl, but the Packers flawed philosophies haven't been addressed, and the players don't seem to be developing and stepping up.

8-8 is still a bit harsh... with Rodgers we should be in the 9-7 to 11-5 range; but I don't see how we can advance past the more phsycial teams that are philosophically sound. They just beat us up, and there's nothing we can do about it.