Just on the field Rodgers, Romo, and Brady are all a lot more valuable than two or three JJ Watts. Rodgers isn't that much better than Romo or Brady but still better by most measures. What else is left to compare him to? Himself? I also don't think Rodgers has been really any better this year than he was in 2012, but he should have won MVP in 2012 as well.

The comparison to the oscars doesn't quite work because players don't all have the same job. The MVP award isn't "who was best at their respective job" and rightfully so. My biggest criticism is that it doesn't seem take into account salary. Like Patler said, if all the QBs are roughly the same when it comes to their contribution to winning football games, shouldn't the lowest salary win? He literately provides the best value which seems important for MVP. I guess I'd have to vote for Russell Wilson.