Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
Oh yeah, the Packers are an anomaly. Hardly anyone on the team comes from outside the system. But with 32 teams, it's hard to get a 'spash guy' all that often. And TT is targeting specific guys when he does go after a 'big' FA. He likes the physical specimens - the guys with combinations of size, speed, ability/knack that you almost never draft except at the top of the first round. Pickett, Woodson, Peppers. Very deliberate with FAs is TT. Either flyers at the bottom, or specimens who the rest of the league seems about to give up on.
Well, part of only having their own guys that is that they cut many of their FA signings. Is that due to who they sign, or because they have a pretty talented roster? Probably a bit of both.

Another part is that they use undrafted FA with success. Those category of FA's don't count in many people's books because they have played for another team. But, is it that much different?