Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post
Raise your hands all of you who have drilled..... I mean punched, a drunken, fat chick in a bar. Anyone? Patler? Rand? Brandon? Even if they drop the N-word? Skin? (I know Skins drilled a fat chick in a bar, Red as well.). Guiness? Anyone? Nope. Didn't think so.
I find silently staring at them is usually enough to make them leave. Except the fat ones. They take it as an invitation to speak loudly.

To answer the question though, no, I have not punched a "female" in a bar. Mostly because I have never acted in a way that would lead to a physical confrontation to begin with, I suppose. Call me old fashioned, but shoving, grabbing, and striking ladies about the head just isn't how I imagine a fun night out.