The Sam Bradford demanding a trade is an interesting development. I just read an interesting article about that:

I think Bradford and Condon are overplaying their hand. I recently heard a former NFL player say the only year that the team wasn't trying to replace him (or at least create competition to replace him) was the year he was drafted. That's a funny, if not true statement about the NFL. Why would Bradford think it's any different for him, or that he should be entitled to any kind of security when his career to this point has been either riddled with injury or average to below average QB play? Granted, the situations are somewhat different, but Drew Brees seemed to handle the Chargers bringing in Phillip Rivers better than Bradford is handling his current situation with the Eagles. Granted, Brees was entering the last season of his rookie deal, and Bradford is a "middle-aged" QB, but the point is, go out on the field and prove your worth and let the chips fall where they may. Make it hard for them to play the rookie.

Given Bradford's meh career, somewhat due to injuries, somewhat due to his level of play, I think he's in no position to dictate any terms, and if his agent agrees with Sam's approach, then he better have a landing spot for him where they will take on his big money contract.