Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
Finally some ambiguous further information from last season's bombshell from nowhere:

Q. After last season, several people with intimate knowledge of the situation have said Mike McCarthy was fed up with your unwillingness to take chances and not reinforce the roster with veteran players from other teams that have the experience and talent to contribute. I've heard McCarthy met with you and Mark Murphy to discuss his frustrations. Did you hear Mike out, and if so where did the conversation lead?
What we know:
1. More than one source apparently
2. Issue know to two people inside Packer org above M3
3. At least one meeting about it

What I want to know:
1. Odd to have this discussion after Peppers had signed
2. What positions pushed him over the edge (WR, ILB, TE) specifically mid-year last year?
3. Who is leaking?
MM met with Murphy and TT to discuss it? How would anyone know what was said in that meeting? Was the room bugged? Sounds to me more like corporate gossip, someone knew the meeting was held, may have even seen an agenda ("Free Agents"), and from there the rumors took over ("MM must be pissed we haven't signed any FAs."). We all know how that goes; "They are talking about" becomes "I wonder if MM is mad" to "MM probably is" to "MM is" to "MM screamed his head off about".

I found TT's answer to be more enlightening:

A. That sounds like that might have been some conversations that we had on the big picture from an organizational standpoint, and I'm not going to talk about that. Mike and I have never had any problem about the way we work here or the setup. We've never had a conversation like that.
TT outright denied they ever had a conversation like that. If there is one thing we have seen from him consistently, it is that he will qualify, avoid, refuse so as not to lie. His flat out denial that a conversation like that ever occurred is more enlightening than anything McGinn said.