[QUOTE=Smidgeon;900769]Trying to figure out if the name reference in that rant was intended to be meta.

But probably not.]

A little of that, but more like doxing. Which is strange little scumbags who root around on the net trying to bother people who don't want to be bothered. Like Tank.

He does a little reveal in the post. He spent THREE years trying to scope out who Nutz is? Nutz is cool. Nutz is real. He's a real cool guy and doesn't want to be bugged by a dillweed like Tank.

One of the big reasons this place got started was some goof doxed Harlan on JSO big time. We soon went over to PR to get out of JSO.

Now it's a lot easier than that. We just get rid of the dox artist.

Which would be Tank.