Quote Originally Posted by vince View Post
Obviously McCarthy would have preferred yard gainage over Spriggs' whiff. But that's fanboy after-the-fact second-guessing.
I disagree. When the entire NFL, kids at home, and millions watching around the world know you are going to run into the teeth of the D twice and then hope AR bails you out on 3rd and 14, its not second guessing. If we are in the exact same scenario v. atlanta and he calls a run, it will lose yards. Why? Because MM has been so predictable in that call for over a decade that guys line up to blow it up. Run a naked bootleg with cobb on the field and releasing just one out of 6 times on second down there and the success of the other 5 goes up immensely. Also, the odds of getting a first on that 1 of 6 is pretty good.