Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
White was a complete diva. The whole hamstring story of healing before the Cowboys game? The retirement? The un-retirement? Did you believe any of it? Did the team Doctor's that let him play? No, they just let it all pass and allowed Reggie to be Reggie and count on him during the game. No one told Reggie to tamp down the miracle chatter.

Jennings diva'd it up during that contract year when he was mad about the previous offer in the offseason, then mad about not getting the ball, then mad about getting hurt. It was just expressed by his sister in public.

Driver and Harris staged mini-holdouts (that almost this entire board refused to believe were actually hold outs) to get contracts redone and upfront/guaranteed money.

Woodson had to be talked into attending offseason by the head coach after signing for huge money. They swayed him by offering him a leadership position that he learned he enjoyed.

Its all about accommodating players and their fervent belief in their own importance. You could go the NE or San Antonio route and try to avoid that at all costs, but you still (Tom Brady) have to deal with it at some point. Success is the ultimate survivor bias.

Speaking of that...

I am feeling very underappreciated at this stage of my Packerrats career. I have to work harder than ever before to create the witty, pithy observations, the in-depth, insightful analysis, the thoughtful probing into personnel moves and coaching decisions. I even try to be careful about my spelling and grammar.

And what do I get? Few people even understand the level of artistry at which I am working. I've tried the eye-rolling, the disgusted looks, the shrugging, but you still don't seem to catch what I'm doing.

I might have to skip next year's offseason discussions so you will see how crucial I am to this organization.