Quote Originally Posted by Zool View Post
I've always gone with the theory posted here https://www.seriouseats.com/2011/03/...ct-steaks.html

If I'm going to grill the steak in less than an hour, I season right before going on the grill. If I have time, I prefer to salt and rest for 2+ hours
Quote Originally Posted by Cheesehead Craig View Post
Excellent site and I agree with you on the salting. I love this site: https://amazingribs.com/tested-recip...-steaks-recipe. The 2 zone cooking and reverse searing works fantastically.

Big fan of Amazing Ribs website overall. Great science behind why they do what they do and recommend.
I agree. I try to plan ahead enough that I salt the night before. I have always followed many of the suggestions from The Food Lab/Serious Eats. I especially like his prime rib roast recipe, with jus from braised oxtail and veal bonus in red wine.

I have recently gotten into doing my own dry aging. Did 20 day, then 40 day rib eyes. Big difference, 40 day were much better. I grilled some on my ceramic grill at about 700 degrees, which I really liked because I enjoy rare-ish interior, but a crusty outer sear. Others I cooked in a sous vide bath at 128 degrees, then flash seared in a cast iron skillet. These were Mrs. Patler's favorite.

As for grilling generally, I cook anything on the grill that I cook in the kitchen, including whole turkeys at Thanksgiving. I really like scallops on the grill, but finding good scallops in WI is not always easy. Did three racks of ribs last weekend, which is a lot for the two of us, but I have a vacuum sealer, so two went right into the freezer in smaller packages for quick, effortless meals in the future. I often do the same with pork butts for pulled pork. If I set up the grill and my time for a long slow cook like that, I load it up!

I'm not big into marinades, but do use some on occasion. Usually I just make up something that sounds good to me at the time. I do use dry rubs for ribs and butts, but usually make them myself.