The evolution of the culture has mellowed toward cannabis and I can somewhat agree with it. However society has also allowed the use of tobacco and now vaping is also in the inhalant marketplace. None of it is a healthy habit. I know because I smoked cigarettes (and until age 35 pot) for 45 years. I finally quit over 3 years ago, but the accumulated lung damage left me with COPD (chronic bronchitis and emphysema).

I fully understand the pleasure derived from a tasty bud and also how tolerance levels build up so that it takes more/stronger doses to get high. I used to use it more as a muscle relaxer following a hard day's labor at work. I'm not against people smoking pot, but I am concerned about the damage done by inhaling anything other than air.

Also if the more than occasional social use of Alcohol or Pot or any other such thing has become a daily need, that is addiction. Weather it's cigarettes or pot or alcohol or any other substance, addiction to anything is a bad thing. I know I used to be addicted to cigarettes and today I'm paying big because of it. People have wised up sense the time when the Marlboro Man regularly rode across our TV screens enticing us to smoke. Cigarettes are still sold legally, and they are still damaging those that use them. but while at one time smokers were the majority, today it is fast becoming a shrinking minority. After years of seeing Mothers and Fathers and Uncles and Aunts and Brothers and Sisters die of Lung or Throat Cancer or suffer with Emphysema or some other malady derived from smoking tobacco, society's view of the use of tobacco has outlawed advertising it, set higher and stricter age restrictions, and placed upon it taxes so high as to entice more to quit.

Smoking remains a personal decision, but weather it's tobacco or pot or vaping, it is all hazardous to your health. I do endorse medical research/use of cannabis. Also traditional products like rope and paper and etc.made from the plants could be good for progressive minded businesses. It could replace/reduce the use of petrochemicals that go into producing many products. I would like to see the controlled sale of products like Brownies and Cookies and such become a more widely legal alternative to inhaling smoke. I'm not against pot, I am against the damage that any smoking does.